A lot of caches are hidden in Achel a town just across the border in Belgium. A lot of these are traditional caches, which means that you directly receive the coordinates of the spot where the cache is hidden. No puzzles, no calculation, no nothing just finding the spot.
On our way back from the Sahara we did a little detour to ride home via Achel and try to find some of the caches hidden there. There is a series called "Achels Dozijn" ("Achels Dozen" in English). The series consists of eleven traditional caches spread around in Achel, each of those caches contains a question, with the eleven answers the 12th cache (
GC19QXW - Achels Dozijn : Final) can be found as a bonus.
We set our GPS to go to "De Bever" which is a bar/restaurant laying in a forest. This place belonged to one of my elder nieces a long time ago, so when I was young I visited it regularly. When we drove there we passed by another place where one of the caches is hidden. (
GC19QYE - Achels Dozijn : Kapel O.L.V.I.D. Nood). A little chapel can be found there.

The cache was easy to find although it is size micro, so nothing could go inside besides the logging-papers. We logged our visit at 14:30.
Here's a picture of our mascot with the cache-box

We continued our trip towards "De Bever" and we came across another of the same series (
GC19QYG - Achels Dozijn : Grafheuvels Achel), it is an ancient burial place.

The cache was a little bit harder to find, but once I decrypted the hint, I spotted it. Because this box was a little bit bigger, I could drop a coin here and logged our visit at 14:45.

Again we continued our travel towards "De Bever" and again we came across a cache spot (
GC19QYM - Achels Dozijn : Het Planetenpad), the cache-box was found rather easy. We logged our visit at 15:00

But for the answer to the question we had to drive a little bit further down the sandy road with all kind of information about our solar system.

We discovered that in this area many of the caches of the series are hidden, we decided to do one more cache and then continue the journey and come back on another day to finish the other caches.
The selected cache was (
GC19QYN - Achels Dozijn : De Waag), it was not hard to find.

The cache-box was hidden somewhat further from the historical place but again was easy spotted.
We logged our visit at 15:15

We had still to find the place where the answer could be found of the previous cache and when we found that information we thought it was time to go home. Sorry for "De Bever" that we didn't come by for a refreshment but next time we will definitely do that.
That makes our total: 11

Here's an overview of the activities we performed this weekend.