We decided to walk around in the woods first to let the dogs run a little bit before going on the hunt. In this manner we wouldn't follow the team that arrived at the same time. After a little while we started with the adventure.

Rather soon we ran into the team that was before us, they wanted to take a short-cut to the first way point, because we are familiar with the area we know that's not a good idea, because there is a little river that you run into and the soil is very wet. So we just walked along the paths to arrive at the next way point, the other team decided to walk our route and followed us at a certain distance.
We had to look high for a clue (this was the first waypoint)

And had to calculate the next route to take.

At one spot the dogs even discovered some water and yep they cannot resist it so they had to go in.

At the end the cache got a little hard for us, we had to do something with the GPS that we weren't sure how to do it. Even Brego tried to find the cache. But unfortunately it was the wrong location to search.

So after a while we decided to give it a call and return another time. When we got home and read the logging's on the Internet we found out that we weren't the only ones with troubles at the end of the cache. Even though we didn't find the cache we enjoyed the adventure very much.
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