The first of today was (GCK384 - AKW II - De Run) a walk on both sides of a small river called Run. Probably a wet area throughout the year but now extremely wet, but we were prepared so no problems there.

Half way the walk we went across to the other side. As you can see the dogs were there before us.

We discovered the cache at 13:00 and we logged it as our #47.

Inside we found a coin, that we exchanged with a TB.

On the other side of the river sheep were grazing and they were very interested in us or the dogs.

After the discovery back to the car to visit the next cache (GCK383 - AKW I - De Sprankel) a 3 Km long walk in an area that Rob used to visit as a young boy, he didn't seem to remember it, to long ago I guess.

We had to follow the signs of the Sprankel walk, and on some of the signposts screws were attached with numbers on them.

With these numbers we could calculate the coordinates of the cache.

Which we discovered and logged at 14:25 as our number 48.

Inside was a coin, that we exchanged with a coin in our possession.

We could now travel to the just calculated coordinates of the bonus cache of this series (GCK38B - AKW VI - De Hogt). To decide where to enter the area was a little challenge, but once we got the right track the cache was easily discovered.

It was a very large container, that was full of interesting treasures, but we just exchanged TB's one in and one out. We logged it at 15:10 making our total 49.

A recap of our activities this weekend:

Making our Geocache stats:

The next cache will be our number 50 so we will choose an interesting cache for this milestone.