It is a nice forest area which we never visited before, shame on us so close to our home.

The "Braambosch Stukjes" (Braambosch pieces) are actually 4 geocoins that you have to find in the forest by using the projection functionality of the GPS-receiver.
Here is the container of the first piece, Called the Challenge.

And the coin in the hand.

Searching for the next coordinates.

The second puzzle piece, called the Research.

The third piece, called the Quest

On our way to the next way point.

The last piece was discovered as well.

This is the fourth piece, called the Find, the color is orange, which doesn't show on the picture due to the flashlight.

With the tracking codes we could calculate the coordinates of the cache. That we discovered at 16:40.

Inside the cache we discovered two trackable items and a coin. We took all three of them and exchanged them with the 2 coins that we had in possession and a Sinterklaas toy.

And after this we went for the cache location of the other cache. It was past sunset when we logged it at 16:55.

In this cache we discovered another TB, Iron Mickey that we exchanged for a Sinterklaas toy.

In the same area also a traditional is located which we probably could have easily found as well but we were so focused on combining the two multi-caches that we forgot to check and once we finished the other two it was already dark and to late to pick up the third. So we have go back another time for this traditional, which isn't a punishment at all because it is a very nice piece of nature.
This makes our cache total:

Until now we discovered the following type of Traceable Items:

And this is what we did this weekend with regard to geocaching.

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