When searching for an interesting puzzle cache to do I stumbled across the (
GCV1F9 - Hersendeler) cache and noticed that it will archived real soon. We decided to go for it. It was not to hard to resolve.

Log-time 12:45, number 131

Inside we discovered a TB that we exchanged with a TB we had in our possession.

Since we had to travel a bit for this one we decided to combine this with some other caches in that neighbourhood. They are all placed by the same team (Flet) so we made it a Flet-afternoon :-).
Since we like to do the multi-caches the next one would be (
GCXMYR - Typisch Hollands), but to get the start coordinates we had to find the traditional (
GCXMYK - Lokkertje) first.

Log-time 13:20, number 132

So with the start-coordinates towards (
GCXMYR - Typisch Hollands)
This was a mystery multi-cache for which we had to find answers to a number of questions that we had to use on the different way-points. Real fun to do, we enjoyed it a lot.
Log-time 15:30, number 133

Next we went for a couple of traditionals in the area. The Flet team has hidden a series of 50 traditionals in 17 of them a certain figure is inside, and in 8 others there is a little challenge to do. With the results of those 25 caches the bonus cache can be found.
We did a couple of the series of 50 today the first being (
GC12PHA - Rondje Bernheze 10: Zevenbergen)
Log-time 16:05, number 134

The next (
GC12M7J - Rondje Bernheze 23: Holletje) for this one the hint was a split tree, I first looked at the wrong one.

Log-time 16:20, number 135.

Then up to (
GC12KTF - Rondje Bernheze 19: De Hooge Vorssel), this one was discovered immediate despite the hint "Berk tree" since it was hidden in a Berk tree forest :-)
Log-time 16:30, number 136

Then we went for a marsh area where three of the series are hidden:
GC12MEP - Rondje Bernheze 27: Heide 1)
Log-time 16:45, number 137

GC12N2X - Rondje Bernheze 31: Heide 3)
Log-time 16:55, number 138

GC12MVY - Rondje Bernheze 47: Heide 2)
Log-time 17:05, number 139

Then we went for the (
GC12KV8 - Rondje Bernheze 21: Ontworteld) in this one a puzzle was hidden for the bonus-cache.
Log-time 17:40, number 140

And the last of the day (
GC12H75 - Rondje Bernheze 01: Monument)
Log-time 18:00, number 141

After this we drove homeward with a new record "most in one days" of 11 pieces.