The first one (GCHZVW - Oers) was a multi where we had to find way-points and at each way-point the coordinates of the next were given.

We passed by different animals a long the way.

We logged it at 15:30.

Because we still had some time left we went for another one nearby (GC19QNZ - Molenvelden), this was also a short multi where we had to use multiple type of navigation techniques to reach the different way-points.

Here the boys are climbing on one of the way-points where we had to find some answers needed to continue with the trip.

We walked through an area called Molenvelden, which explains the cache name :-)

And here the picture of the bears on top of the rock.

We logged this one at 17:30 making our total founds 130.

Inside we found the next coin that we exchanged with a TB we brought with us.

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