The first was a mystery of the cacher Dagger38 (GC1HGYP - Diabolique). As with many of his mysteries either I immediately got an idea how to solve or I haven't and I have to look at the description over and over again.
This cache fell into the last category. But then suddenly I had an idea and that brought the solution. For this one we had to drive to a location first where we found the coordinates of the stash. Considering the name of the cache I thought the next way of putting the stick to hide the micro was funny.
Here the boys are waiting for me to find the information.
For the final container we had to walk about 1 KM, with a bicycle it would have been more easy but yeah we came by car so then you have to walk a little bit more, no problems, although the legs felt a little stiff after yesterday's stroll.
We found the container at 15:00.
Again the boys patiently awaiting my logging.
And Brego with the container in between his front-legs. It is not mine he is probably thinking.
Next mystery to pick up was (GC144R9 - Geogroetjes!).
For the solution we had to use google to look at certain place around the globe and find the coordinates in this manner. Fun to do.
Finding the container was another thing, we couldn't reach the spot easily.
First in doubt whether the location was correct, but then with the help of the hint we suspected to be at the right spot.
Then seeing the next we knew for sure that we were at the correct spot.
Were able to log this one at 16:00.
Next in line was a mystery where we had to discover the coordinates in a picture by looking in a particular manner (GCRPRC - Magic eye), this took some practising but we managed to solve it.
The cache-box was hidden in a very nice spot, again we had to walk a little to reach it but again it was worth it.
It was at a little bridge and we had go down to find the box. The box didn't show itself immediately but wasn't that hard to find after all.
We were able to log at 16:25 making this our number 225.
The next mystery in line was (GC1P9QP - Schaapschoorbrug : vroeger en nu), for this we had to investigate three old pictures of the same spot and do something with the coordinates at that time. Again a fun puzzle to solve.
At the spot we had to find a number on a sign, we looked an the next picture is what was visible at the spot. Hmmmmmm seemed that the sign we had to find was not one of those after all. A little tricky from the cache owner. But while was calculating the coordinates on a bench, a couple of cachers returned from the cache and gave me a hint.
With this hint we could calculate the correct end coordinates and find the hidden container at 17:05.
And then last of the day a mystery about the car of the cache owner (GC16EHM - Bella), shown was a picture of the engine of that car and we had to figure out the brand and type of the car. I had to as a family member for the solution, but with that information we could find the box at 17:30.
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