We still had one cache left out of the series of "8 Zaligheden", the cache(
GCKK58-8 Zaligheden: Netersel), a nice multi.

At one way-point the cows came looking what we were doing.

It was nice sunny weather and we enjoyed the surroundings.

At certain points it was even to sunny, and almost to warm.

Here relaxing a bit in the shade near a little stream from which the bears could refresh.

We found the stash and wrote our name in the logbook at 14:45

Still some time left for some solved mysteries, like this one (
GCX6HK-No sushi today), logged at 15:35

The second mystery, (
GC1MZ7J-Nijntje), logged at 16:55

Then up to (

On Sunday we first tried to find the bonus cache of the series, but unfortunately somebody used the cache-site as dump for trash, so we could not search, and informed the cache-owner of this misfortune.
But the series also has an extra sort-of bonus cache, (
GCM79W-ONS HUUSKE), for this cache we had to find the tag numbers of two special travel bugs. We gathered those in our previous caching trips.

The walk brought us to a nice meadow area, that we liked a lot.

Even a little swamp like area was part of the walk, fortunately there was a wooden bridge build, so we weren't forced to walk around in the swamp.

At 15:20 we found the cache box.

On our way back we were able to find the cache (
GC1MZA9-Heilige Huisjes) at 16:05.

While driving from cache to cache we gathered the information found on the Way-markers needed for the cache (
GCY9F7-POK - Wegwijzers).

With all found tags we could calculate the location of the stash and we found it. Sometimes caches are not that hard to find, because of all the woodpiles on top of them.

We wrote our name in the logbook at 17:05.

And because we came in the neighbourhood of the cache (
GC1GKQE-VELDHOVEN 5 (Route langs de RUN)), we couldn't resist searching for it again, we tried this one a couple of times before, but weren't successful then.
Now we were and found it at 17:30.

One cache less on our frustration list.