Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vind de Wind

Today was the day for the cache (GC1N4NV-Vind de Wind).
It was a walk in a nice area that we partly visited before for another cache.

This time the bears were allowed to enter the water.

And here's the witch tree again. The bears are relaxed to be here so we don't believe that a witch buried underneath the tree as the tail tells.

We visited a little chapel that contains some wood art that pictures Franciscus of Assisi.

And nearby this chapel is a bench where we sat down to take a rest.

We made a mistake in the calculation of the stash location so we looked and looked but didn't find the box. We drove home and discovered the mistake, so early in the evening we went back and found the beautiful cache box at 19:45 after all.

Akis Agis Part I

This Saturday we went for the first cache of a series of 3 caches, that are based on an alien Akis Agis. The first is a day-walk (GC1QGR4-Adventures of Akis Agis part 1:Hocus's Daywalk) in a nice area.
We first had to configure the start coordinates by solving a puzzle.

We visited different way-point where we had to solve different type of puzzles, like this one:

We walked through a very nice area, which we always enjoy, that's the main reason for us to geocache.

But the combination of finding way-point and figure out how to get to the next point increases the pleasure we experience.

We found the final stash box at 15:45 making this our number 326 find.

Then we had some time left to visit a very special place (GC19EJW-Lourdesgrot). We visited this place before but weren't sure on the final stash location. Back home we checked the answers and concluded that the location was correct.

So today a simple pick-up at 16:10.

Next finding the second of a series, (GC1DFXT-Blik op Laarbeek 4:Lieshout) at 16:35.

Up towards the next out of series of mills, (GC1ENK7-Lieshout en zijn Molens: De Leest), of which we did the first a couple of weeks ago.
We logged it at 16:40

Keeping to the mill-theme we found the cache, (GC1N33T-De Roosdonck)
at 17:25

And then another Mill-visit, the final location of a mystery cache about mills, (GC1KG5N-Molens van brabant), found at 17:40.

On the way home we passed by another solved mystery cache, (GC1AWTW-A Cache in Eindhoven), that we logged at 17:50.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Theyeti 3: CLRYB CRTUS

The cache (GCMV4Z-Theyeti 3: CLRYB CRTUS) we already walked on May 9th. To reach the start of the cache was a difficult exercise on it's own. A highway is built over here and the parking place and the first part of the route are separated by this highway under construction. Our satellite navigation system couldn't cope with this, so it took us almost an hour to find a parking spot not to far from way-point 1.

Here and there we had to climb a little bit, and the bears find that easier than we, but of course they have four legs and we only have two.

The second half of the walk, takes place on the other side of the highway, but again in forest area.

We could find all the clues, but we couldn't find the stash box. After a check with the cache owner we knew for sure that we were looking at the right spot, so today we went back, this time parking within 100 meters from the stash location, and found the well hidden box at 16:00.

This making our total number of caches found 325.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scoffie Cache

Last week we found a coin that only wants to stay in caches laid by Scoffie and the MISSloopsters. Actually we found it in a cache from another cacher so the previous cacher ignored the goal of the coin. We figured out a couple of caches to do, and I solved some of the mysteries. Scoffie and the MISSloopsters is the owner of 200 caches so choices allover. We went for the cache (GCR8NB-Xmas-2005 : Den Atoom(°)).

This was a cache not to hard on paper, but in reality this one was a though one for us. At some way-point we could find the needed information rather well.

But on other points we really had to search hard, because the tags were broken or the GPS-coordinates weren't very accurate.

And then finding the final box was though as well. It took us almost an hour to find this nicely decorated ammo box at 16:00.

There was no time left for another of the multi-caches of which we brought the cache descriptions with us. So we decided to go for a simple Scoffie cache, (GC1NB7Z-Mysterious Tour 5 - (8) Traditional). This one was easy indeed and contained a hint for some of the mystery caches of Scoffie.
We logged this one at 16:45.

Then in the same area a mystery cache of a cacher we once met (GC1NX58-de laatste der taekwondodo's).
Tricky hiding place, but we found it at 17:00

Driving by two traditional caches, (GC1H3FE-Balendijk - Kristalpark), logged at 17:10

And (GC1QJDY-Balendijk - Kristalpark fase 3), logged at 17:20

Then two mysteries from one and the same cacher.
The first one, (GC135PH-New Wave Classics), we searched for two times before in the wrong area. Now successful after a coordinate-check.
Found at 18:10

The last of the day, (GC15F71-Gevleugelde Vrienden), logged at 18:20

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mie Pils

In the forest near a small village next to ours the cache (GC43A6-De cache van Mie Pils) is hidden, it is an old cache.

There a small lake overthere. And the bears always love that.

And we love to view the fun they have.

At the calculated stash location we were wondering were the box would be...

Logged at 20:15.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ending the series: 8 Zaligheden

We still had one cache left out of the series of "8 Zaligheden", the cache(GCKK58-8 Zaligheden: Netersel), a nice multi.

At one way-point the cows came looking what we were doing.

It was nice sunny weather and we enjoyed the surroundings.

At certain points it was even to sunny, and almost to warm.

Here relaxing a bit in the shade near a little stream from which the bears could refresh.

We found the stash and wrote our name in the logbook at 14:45

Still some time left for some solved mysteries, like this one (GCX6HK-No sushi today), logged at 15:35

The second mystery, (GC1MZ7J-Nijntje), logged at 16:55

Then up to (GC1RV9V-pokèmon)

On Sunday we first tried to find the bonus cache of the series, but unfortunately somebody used the cache-site as dump for trash, so we could not search, and informed the cache-owner of this misfortune.
But the series also has an extra sort-of bonus cache, (GCM79W-ONS HUUSKE), for this cache we had to find the tag numbers of two special travel bugs. We gathered those in our previous caching trips.

The walk brought us to a nice meadow area, that we liked a lot.

Even a little swamp like area was part of the walk, fortunately there was a wooden bridge build, so we weren't forced to walk around in the swamp.

At 15:20 we found the cache box.

On our way back we were able to find the cache (GC1MZA9-Heilige Huisjes) at 16:05.

While driving from cache to cache we gathered the information found on the Way-markers needed for the cache (GCY9F7-POK - Wegwijzers).

With all found tags we could calculate the location of the stash and we found it. Sometimes caches are not that hard to find, because of all the woodpiles on top of them.

We wrote our name in the logbook at 17:05.

And because we came in the neighbourhood of the cache (GC1GKQE-VELDHOVEN 5 (Route langs de RUN)), we couldn't resist searching for it again, we tried this one a couple of times before, but weren't successful then.
Now we were and found it at 17:30.

One cache less on our frustration list.