The first way point is inside an area where dogs are not allowed, the rest of the walk they are allowed so I decided to look for WP1 separately.
It took a little while before I found the needed information hidden there.
This is the nature reserve that the dogs weren't allowed to enter.
Way point 2 was hidden in a forest area.
And the next way point also were located in this forest.
At some points the dogs could walk freely of the leash.
And they helped us search for the next hiding place.
And they could also find water to enjoy.
We found the stash box and logged at 15:10.
The banner we earned with this great cache:
Still time left, we decided to pick up a couple of trads and solved mysteries in the neighbourhood.
The first of a series of 5(GC1DFX9 - Blik op Laarbeek 3:Mariahout), that we logged at 15:55
The second a simple mystery (GC1HXHG - NMPS: Breinkronkels) that I solved, also of a series of 5.
Found the nano and logged it at 16:35
Then another of the same series (GC1HXJR - NMPS: ReflectieeitcelfeR), found it and logged it at 17:05.
Then we found the cache (GC1HV4V - Lieshout en zijn Molens: Vogelenzang) at 17:15.
And very close by the solved mystery (GC14XRR - Biologisch, heel logisch!), a very nice mystery with very old vegetables, that I had to ask my mother about. Found it at 17:25
And then the last of the day a mystery cache (GC1DK4T - Goed Kijken!!!), near an animal farm.
The cache hiding place.
The boys waiting while I write our name in the logbook at 17:50
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