Today it was time for our 400th cache.
For this special occasion we picked a 5-star cache with a nice theme, becoming members in the order of Geoknights (
GC1DF53-De Orde der Georidders deel I). For becoming knights we have to visit a second cache as well but first this one has to be completed and after that we can start making plans for the second night-cache.
We prepared ourselves well, the counter of found caches was 398, because on the route 2 traditional caches can be found.
At home we thought about what to expect at the start, since a puzzle had to be resolved there.

What we expected was correct, so with just a little puzzling we figured out the coordinates of the next way-point.

At most of the way-points we had to use our brains real hard, but we managed fine.

And then we needed to visit an Inn and find a tag there, but we couldn't search there because a film crew was shooting a documentary about the middle ages and modern Geo-knight didn't fit in that story.

We phoned the cache-owners and they helped us by giving the coordinates of the next way-point so we could continue with our quest.

The way-point were fantastic and fit well in the story about knights.

Time to visit one of the caches that we could find in between, (
GC1EP41-Ridder Prosper), logged this one at 13:30.

And also the second cache (
GC1EP40-Ridder Konstantin) was later discovered and logged at 14:50, this made our total caches found 399, ready for the last one, the target of today (
GC1DF53-De Orde der Georidders deel I).

Here and there we could find some water for the bears to enjoy.

And we had to pass this water over tiny "bridges" which one of the bears didn't find funny at all.

After a couple of more way-points we started to approach the end of the challenge.

And with the information gathered we could find the final box at 17:00.

We were tired after a hike of 6 hours and so were the bears.

The youngest bear is sleeping when we log the cache.

On the way back to the car time to go into the river one more time.

We earned the next banner with this quest:

And last but not least we visited the last knight traditional (
GC1CYVQ-Ridder Bratislav) at 17:50.