On our way over to the first of the knights caches we picked up the cache
GC1DFW0-Blik op Laarbeek 1:Aarle-Rixtel) at 15:20.
And the cache GC1DFWD-Blik op Laarbeek 2:Beek en Donk at 15:30. With these two we have found all four of the series "Blik op Laarbeek" and can try to find the bonus.
But back to one of the main targets of today, the cache GC1WVQC-Return of The Lonely Knight, we found it at 15:55.
That was one of the knights, now we are allowed to show the next banner:
Next up to the second knight, but first we passed by the cache GC1JDFP-Week 48: zo, nu eerst een … cache that we logged at 16:25.
Then we could find the bonus cache GC1DFZ3-Blik op Laarbeek 5:Bonus and we logged it at 16:35.
And then final the second knight cache (GC1D6MT-The Lonely Knight), logged it at 17:00.
And with both knight caches found we earned this banner:
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