Today was the day, after the hikes we did in France in the mountains we thought that hiking a long distance (>20 Km) on relatively flat area wouldn't be a problem.
It is autumn but looking at the weather you wouldn't say that it is. So we brought enough to drink with us. But then we ran into a lake with nice fresh water.
Although the next lake was almost dried out completely.
What great views we experienced during this long hike.
We encountered an ancient place where they kept the ice in the winter, in times that freezers didn't exist yet, this is on the premises of a castle that we passed by.
And here we are progressing towards the end of the walk. But still a long way to go.
And again we ran into a lake with lovely fresh water for the boys to enjoy themselves.
At one point we had to wait a while for a sheep herd to pass.
The shepherd and his border collies drove the sheep passed us and we could continue with our trip.
We could log the cache at 18:45.
We passed by the location of the earth-cache GC1DZA0-'t Rond Venneke, so we took the opportunity to make the needed pictures and gather the information at the spot.
We needed to take a picture with the small lake in the back.
And one with the tree on the back.
At the end we walked 22 Km and did this in 6 hours.
Time to go home and sit with our feet up.
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