Monday, November 30, 2009


We picked up a very interesting TB needed to solve the final cache of the Incredible India series this morning in a cache we already found before.
We wanted to hold this TB as short as possible and therefore we went for a couple of caches recently placed in the small village next to ours.
The cache where we left the TB was GC20YEN-Crossroads Waalre, logged it at 16:00.

Inside this container we found the coordinates of the bonus of this cache called GC1YN5Z-Crossroads TB&Coin Hotel, we also could find that one at 16:25.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Wedgie Cache

When we drove to the multi-cache of choice we passed by a solved mystery cache (GC1CQG2-kan ik er OVER............WEG?) that we found very quick at 12:35.
The we drove on to the start of the multi-cache GCQP89-The Wedgie Cache.
It was a walk that brought us to a forest.

With small lakes always enjoyed by the bears.

And with sand dunes, this one with climbing tools for children.

We found the box at 13:40.

In this neighbourhood again a couple of solved mysteries to be found.
GC1YC66-World Snooker: Shanghai Masters logged at 14:05.

A mystery with a very tough puzzle GC1TCQ5-PrimEviL logged at 14:20.

A final of a small series about mills (GC1HV4Y-Lieshout en zijn Molens: Ruweelsels), the third time we tried to find it, the first two times we didn't calculate the correct coordinates, now we did an found the box at 14:45.
And then almost home a solved mystery about the Olympic Games near to our hometown called GC1VF5F-'Wie de top niet haalt, kent de vlakte niet' found the hiding place at 15:30.

And inside a very pink container.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oud Meer

We needed to pick-up a window frame that we need for some construction work at our home.
We took the bears and afterwards we walked a cache called GC1A26D-Oud Meer. The weather was not that good and it rained a little. But the cache was fun to do. Finding all kind of information on different spots.

In a surrounding real spectacular.

And as a reward the final box at 13:10 that can be seen on the next picture with two wet bearded collies on the side.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blankenheim Weekend

We planned a holiday weekend in Blankenheim Germany.

And of course we cached a little.
On Saturday we first visited the cache GC196EM-Die Abenteuer von Elli Ihrem Hund, a funny cache nearest to our camping site.

Some of the way-points were real tricky, but we managed to find them all.

And others were funny.

We even visited the castle to look out for a pizza hut.

And we managed to find the cache location at 13:10.

Then after a coffee and some lunch we visited the cache GC17PT1-Ahrtalbahn #3: Finkenberg Tunnel, also just a short walk from our motor home.
For this cache we had to visit three tunnel entrances on a track where once a train use to ride.

At each tunnel entrance we had to find a canister with some information to find the final box.

It was rough overgrown terrain. But a real adventure for us.

Some cachers walk through the tunnel, because entrance #2 and #3 are the end of the same tunnel, but we didn't, we walked the hard way, mainly because the tunnel is forbidden area, but secondly we didn't dare to with our two bears after all they don't wear shoes like we do.

The last tunnel was found.

And with this last gathered information we could find the cache box and add our name to the logbook at 15:35.

We took a different route back to our motor home.
On Sunday we had time left to walk a cache called GCKTFB-Tiergartentunnel, again starting not to far from our camping site.

The walk was in an area with a lot of information shown to the public.

Some of that information was needed for locating the way-point at the well. And there we found the coordinates for the final box.

That we logged at 13:00.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


This Sunday we visited the year match of the Bearded Collie Club Netherlands. This took place in Venlo and we decided to try and find some solved mystery caches on the way home.
So no long walks today just some short strokes to find the caches.
The first one GC1BFMG-CLEAR SKIES found at 16:15.

The second one GC1CJ01-STAR 1 found at 16:30

Then the third mystery of the day GC1HXEG-NMPS: Saai !!!!! found at17:10.
And very closeby the cache GC1C77A-Week 20: het cachebosje bij de Astense Aa, a traditional cache found at 17:15.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Incredible India Series part 1

We walked a little round in a cache area where a lot of mystery caches are hidden. We combined three caches into a nice walk in farm area.

The first find was the cache GC1HXFP-NMPS: Uitgebuit that we logged at 14:15.

Then a walk to the second one of today the cache GC1NVTW-Incredible India Serie #3 - Met de trein
We logged it at 14:45.

Next was a sanitary stop.

And last cache in the round of today the cache GC1NVRH-Incredible India Serie #2 - Op de weg, nicely hidden but uncovered at 15:55.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Bosveld Cache

The cache of choice for today (GCJ0Q0-Bosveld Cache) is a multi of 12 kms in Belgium, the country south of the Netherlands, but not to far from our home.

It brought us to a forest area where we had to visit a couple of way-points. At four of them we had to answer a question that needed some logic thinking, our favorite ones.

But not all parts of the forest were accessible, you wonder what can be found behind these signs. We didn't check..

We discovered the final box at 15:40 and we walked about 2 kms less than expected.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Murder Case

The cache that we wanted to do today was GC1PWBV-Plaats Delict., a cache with a murder-solve theme. We had to find a couple of clues like a food print, finger print, and a DNA sample...

The way-points were very nicely made.

And here the guys are waiting for me to solve one of the clues.

With all the clues discovered and solved, we found the box that contained the murder weapon at 14:25, so case closed.

In this area a couple of caches from the week-series are hidden as well. So taking advantage of this we found GC1A341-Week 11: de achthoekige kapel van Mierlo at 14:45.

The cache GC1HFKQ-Week 43: Erwtje 92 at 14:50

And the cache GC1ENR0-Week 31: op de brink van Hersel at 14:55.

Still early in the afternoon we had some time left to do another short multi called GC15WT9-Gebergten aka Dutch mountains.
This was a more traditional made cache with tags that display the coordinates of the next way-point, sounds easy, but due to the color and condition of the tags, made it a challenging task for us.

But we could find the cache-box at 16:15