And of course we cached a little.
On Saturday we first visited the cache GC196EM-Die Abenteuer von Elli Ihrem Hund, a funny cache nearest to our camping site.
Some of the way-points were real tricky, but we managed to find them all.
And others were funny.
We even visited the castle to look out for a pizza hut.
And we managed to find the cache location at 13:10.
Then after a coffee and some lunch we visited the cache GC17PT1-Ahrtalbahn #3: Finkenberg Tunnel, also just a short walk from our motor home.
For this cache we had to visit three tunnel entrances on a track where once a train use to ride.
At each tunnel entrance we had to find a canister with some information to find the final box.
It was rough overgrown terrain. But a real adventure for us.
Some cachers walk through the tunnel, because entrance #2 and #3 are the end of the same tunnel, but we didn't, we walked the hard way, mainly because the tunnel is forbidden area, but secondly we didn't dare to with our two bears after all they don't wear shoes like we do.
The last tunnel was found.
And with this last gathered information we could find the cache box and add our name to the logbook at 15:35.
We took a different route back to our motor home.
On Sunday we had time left to walk a cache called GCKTFB-Tiergartentunnel, again starting not to far from our camping site.
The walk was in an area with a lot of information shown to the public.
Some of that information was needed for locating the way-point at the well. And there we found the coordinates for the final box.
That we logged at 13:00.
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