Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kleine Beerze

Last Sunday we wanted to find the cache, (GC1TNF2-Kleine Beerze Duizel), but we couldn't figure out at the start what to find. We gave up an back home we found out the half of the description was missing in my GPS. That explained why we missed out on what to find.

With the pictures we accidentally made on Sunday we could figure out the location of the next way-point and today we decided to go for it.

The two way-points we had to find contained a ingenious mechanism to show the cache info. One of us had to produce energy and the other one could read the needed information. We found the final box at 19:30.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Having to sit inside for the whole day and considering the long summer evening in front of us, we decided to go for the cache (GC19NNY-Een rondje Zwartebergen), we tried to walk this one earlier but we didn't bring the photo's that we needed for this cache then, so we had to come back. Today was the day.

We had to find some tags here and there.

We walked in a beautiful area.

And could even say a prayer at a small chapel.

Walked in forest area.

And in marsh area.

And at the end we were able to combine all the found information to find the final box, we succeeded and logged at 21:50.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mysterious Past

During a long lunch break I walked the cache GCA36C-Mysterieus verleden / Mysterious past.
A cache where you have to visit different way-points where several questions have to be answered but it not exactly given which question belongs to each point. And multiple questions could belong to multiple way-points. But after visiting all points is should be clear.

Because at some of the way-points only one question fits.

Each question was only used ones.

After visiting all the points I could come up with the cache location, my first guess.

And this was the correct location, although I had a 20 meter difference on the GPS I found the box and logged at 14:20, time to return to work.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

De Cachebus

We figured out a route on which a series of caches is hidden, the first one (GC12MYQ-Dat gaat naar Den Bosch toe - 2) logged at 12:45.
The second (GC12MYR-Dat gaat naar Den Bosch toe - 3) at 12:50.
The third (GC12MYT-Dat gaat naar Den Bosch toe - 4) at 13:00.
And the fourth (GC12MYV-Dat gaat naar Den Bosch toe - 5) at 13:10.
That was the first part of this series, we will come back another time for the other half.
Then we wanted to uncover the solved mystery cache (GCQR5Q-Coördinaat puzzel), that was hidden in a tree stump.

We added our name in the logbook at 13:15.

Then we logged the cache (GC1ERKD-GEOCACHE TEAM QUIZ) at 13:40.

And the the actual goal of today the cache (GCR1VG-De Cachebus), a mystery that we looked at over and over and couldn't figure out how to solve, until while talking about it with another cacher got an idea on how to solve it and that was a correct thought.

We found the final stash box with the color purple at 15:00.

Then on the way back to the car we picked up (GCGHZP-Jagershagen 2) at 15:15.

And driving home we passed by the cache (GCV4DN-GeenJapansePuzzel), also a mystery that we solved at home.

Hidden near a small river that we logged at 16:10.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Water, Vuur en Eieren

In Eindhoven a city nearby where we live the five star mystery cache, (GCJQ1A-Water, Vuur en Eieren) is hidden.
We had to visit 9 points to gather some information, but we didn't know upfront what we were looking for. At one point we had to gather extra hints on a piece of paper.

This extra info should help us at the stash location to figure out the exact spot with this next found egg.

But our coordinates were accurate enough to find the cache-box without this information at 15:10.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nekrav's Mysteries

In an area that we cached before a couple of caches of a cacher Nekrav, most of then are difficult mystery-caches but also the cache (GC1RDJC-Latijn Dilemma 50 v.chr.), we tried to find this one some while ago, but we didn't realize at that moment that it was a multi-cache. We tried to find the cache at the start-coordinates with the use of the hint and that wasn't successful of course. Today we walked the short route and were able to find the cache at 15:50.
Then we discovered another cache at a distance of less than 1 Km. But is was on the other side of a canal. There were constructions going on so we had to drive for almost 20 Km to arrive at the start location.

But nevertheless we wanted to find the cache (GC1KZKA-Dead Tree). When walking towards the stash location I ran into a bird of prey that was sitting on a pole drying its wings, because it just rained a little.

Next I had to jump across a not completely dried out riverbed aka a mud pool.

But finally found the container and logged at 16:40.

And the last one for today was the cache (GC1F15B-Gwynvyd), another mystery cache.
The entrance of the path was completely overgrown with thistles and other thorny plants, so the bears needed to stay outside because otherwise they get stuck with their long coats. But behind this overgrown area a very nice and a little bit spooky forest arose.

The container was closed with a lock, for which we didn't bring the code, but with a little patience I figure out the code and logged at 17:45.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


This Saturday was a special caching day, at the end of last year a book was published in the Netherlands with Geocaching as theme.
In this book a couple of cachers disappear while doing the cache called (GCDAFD-Het mysterie van de drie zusjes), this cache exists for a couple of years and is one of the most visited cached in the Netherlands with a lot of Geo d'ors (rewards by cachers).

What a cache, fantastic what a way-points. Here some examples, I'm trying not to give away too much, but it will spoil for those not yet visited the cache.
The farm house were the 3 sisters lived with their parents.

The hang place of the father of the girls.

And the grave where the 3 sisters are buried at the end.

We logged this one as our number 350 at 14:10.
Inside we found a whistle with the name of the cache painted on it, and although we normally do not trade goodies, we couldn't leave this whistle behind.
The many rewards that this cache gathered are well deserved. What a fantastic way points that perfectly fit the story.

The mentioned book itself contains hidden information about another cache GC1M564-d3Z - de hemel of de hel.
When this information is discovered the cacher can get in contact with a certain character called gioman. And Gioman informs the cacher about the cache. The cache consist of three parts. First the home part, where the cacher has to figure out a couple of things with the information inside the book. If this is finished successful the second part can be done, which is a walk through Wageningen, the village that the book is about.

The walk brings the cacher to a couple of the locations that are mentioned in the book and information has to be gathered here. With this information the point-of-no-return can be figured out and here starts the last part of the cache the part in the woods.

This last part we did today. It brought us to a nice forest, and we had cloudy weather with a little bit of rain now and then. This made the forest look a little spooky and this was the right atmosphere for this cache.

We even met Gioman on the road, or at least a sculpture.

And almost at the end of the cache we are gathering the last needed information to see whether we could escape from Gioman.

At the end he almost got us..

But we managed and could log at 17:10.
What a fun adventure we had with this cache, for which we earned the next banner, that we will carry with pride.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


For my work I had to travel across the country, and in that part of the country the cache GCNRGQ-Rotonde) is hidden. I was pointed towards this cache by another cacher a while ago and I became very curious about it. This was the opportunity to take a look at it.

First I had to find four mini-caches that contained tiles with letters that needed to be combined into a word. Fortunately the letters were also given for the German and the English word, so it was not too hard to figure out the word needed.

With this word I could figure out the position of the cache-box. What a great way to hide a cache container. Never seen that before!

I could add our name to the logbook at 16:10.

In this part of the country also the mystery cache (GCQCG2-Theyeti 7 : Heptagram) is hidden, one that I solved a while ago. The start coordinates on the site are located in an area that we visit once in a while, but the calculated coordinates are in a totally different part of the country. In the period this cache is hidden it was probably allowed to do this.

It brought me to a very nice wetland area, where I needed to walk over a wooden path.
I found and logged this one at 16:45

And then driving home, I made a little de-tour to try to find the cache (GC1M62H-Rashonden ter Wereld).
It is hidden in a nice area that was lovely to walk in.

When searching for the cache I slipped into a hole with one of my legs, and almost couldn't get out. That was a little adventure, being alone out there, far from home. But I managed to free myself and could continue with the search.

Found the box and logged our name at 19:00, time to drive home.