In this book a couple of cachers disappear while doing the cache called (GCDAFD-Het mysterie van de drie zusjes), this cache exists for a couple of years and is one of the most visited cached in the Netherlands with a lot of Geo d'ors (rewards by cachers).
What a cache, fantastic what a way-points. Here some examples, I'm trying not to give away too much, but it will spoil for those not yet visited the cache.
The farm house were the 3 sisters lived with their parents.
The hang place of the father of the girls.
And the grave where the 3 sisters are buried at the end.
We logged this one as our number 350 at 14:10.
Inside we found a whistle with the name of the cache painted on it, and although we normally do not trade goodies, we couldn't leave this whistle behind.
The many rewards that this cache gathered are well deserved. What a fantastic way points that perfectly fit the story.

The mentioned book itself contains hidden information about another cache GC1M564-d3Z - de hemel of de hel.
When this information is discovered the cacher can get in contact with a certain character called gioman. And Gioman informs the cacher about the cache. The cache consist of three parts. First the home part, where the cacher has to figure out a couple of things with the information inside the book. If this is finished successful the second part can be done, which is a walk through Wageningen, the village that the book is about.
The walk brings the cacher to a couple of the locations that are mentioned in the book and information has to be gathered here. With this information the point-of-no-return can be figured out and here starts the last part of the cache the part in the woods.
This last part we did today. It brought us to a nice forest, and we had cloudy weather with a little bit of rain now and then. This made the forest look a little spooky and this was the right atmosphere for this cache.
We even met Gioman on the road, or at least a sculpture.
And almost at the end of the cache we are gathering the last needed information to see whether we could escape from Gioman.
At the end he almost got us..
But we managed and could log at 17:10.
What a fun adventure we had with this cache, for which we earned the next banner, that we will carry with pride.
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