But it was so much fun and we got eager to find the stash this night that we continued.
We finally found the cache-box at 04:25, and we drove home with a very good feeling.
The third part we tried to find that one as well in the dark, but we failed. On Saturday afternoon we went back to this area to find that one and another solved mystery cache, (GC1TEEB-Sciagram).
We found this cache box at 15:25.
Then it was time to visit the third and last of the Akis Agis series, (GC1QFG0-Adventures of Akis Agis part 3:The Jeckyll Riddle). We had to search at a reflector in the shape of a hand. We found the next reflector, but it turned out to be the wrong one.
This one was the correct hand.
Once that was discovered the cache box was discovered as well at 16:50.
Then it was time to head back home to relax a bit, because we didn't get much sleep this night.
We earned the next banner:
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