At this location three caches are located.
The first (GC1QN2C - Stevns Klint), one of the few earth caches in Denmark and the only one that we passed by on our holdiday.
Logged this one at 11:25
A traditional (GCZPBG - Under den "halve kirke") is hidden underneath the church somewhere on the cliffs, it was not that easy to find the box but I succeeded at 11:40.
Last to do at this spot a short multi cache (GCZQF4 - ABSALON's Hemmelighed).
Logged this one at 12:00.
Then the drive towards Kopenhagen. In the evening we tried to walk a night cache not to far from the camping site but probably our flash light wasn't powerfull enough because we couldn't even find the first reflector. But near the start of this cache a traditional (GC164CR - Brøndby - Hovedstaden - Danmark) is hidden as well, and we were able to find that one. So in the dark a little bit of a night cache after all.
Found this one at 22:25
Today we wanted to go for a multi-cache and a couple of mystery caches that I was able to solve.
The first one was a mystery (GC1BCDQ - Hvad vej skal jeg gå?), we walked towards it in beautiful weather.
We found and logged it at 12:50
The route went to the park of the cache.
We noticed that we passed by a traditional (GC1DT54 - Blå Aventurin) so we decided to try and find that one also. It was in a large open area where the dogs were able to run freely, they even met a Danish dog, actually it was a Golden retriever. And they ran together in this pieceful area.
The cache was hidden in an area with new trees, coming from the Netherlands and caches are almost always burried near a tree root somewhere we were looking for this here as well, then we discovered the box just plain without material on top of it under a branch of a tree. Yes the box was painted with camouflage paint but never the less funny.
Logged this one at 13:15.
Next back to the park, we ran into a big road that we weren't able to cross on foot. We had to make a little detour to reach a crossing. And with a couple of KM's extra we reached the park at last.
It was a very beautiful park and we could find all the information needed, but the calculated end coordinates marked the spot in the middle of a freshly planted flowerbed so we decided to leave the cache and walk back to the camping site.
On the way back to the camping site we went for the last cache of today a mystery (GC1J08H - Pentagon) that I solved.
Found this one in a quiet spot and logged it at16:00
Making our total caches found 270.
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