This cache (GC13C3J - Super Jackpot) was hidden in Odense, where we passed by on our way to the South of the Island.
We logged it at 13:15.
The we arrived at the camping site in Faaborg. We relaxed a bit and after dinner we went for a multi cache nearby (GC107C3 - Tårnet i bakkerne) a not to long cache that guided us through very beautiful nature.
First we had to gather information at some sort of information point.
Beautiful nature and beautiful weather, life is good.
At one way-point we had to read information on a statue, but cattle had gathered.
We looked at them for a short while from behind a fence, and the we thought they were very gentle and only very curious so one of us was brave enough to go and look for the information we needed.
To find the cache-box wasn't easy at all, and took almost an hour of so to find it.
But we finally found it at 20:30, time for coffee back at the motor home.
The boys waiting while I write the logbook, and catching a lot of ticks, at the camping site I removed about one hundred of those terrible bugs from them, running around in their furry coat.
Today we went for a series of caches called Fyn er fin in the very nice area Svanninge Hills.
The first cache we found was (GCTX64 - Fyn er fin #3). We logged it at 13:30.
And we left one of our own TB's in this cache-box. TB Dog's or Bears. Good journey...
We passed by a virtual cache (GCKX13 - TROLL). We made the picture at 13:55.
The next cache we visited (GCTX62 - Fyn er fin #1), we logged it at 14:05.
In this area also another cache (GCHAV2 - Svanninge Hills) is hidden that is not part of the series but we searched for it anyhow. Logged it at 14:55.
Sometimes when we are searching for the caches the boys need to wait patiently for us to find it.
Next cache of the series (GCTX63 - Fyn er fin #2) logged at 15:15.
We walked around in astonishing nature, that wasn't punishment at all.
The fourth cache of the series (GCTX67 - Fyn er fin #4) logged at 15:30.
Then we could go for the final of the series (GCTXKK - Fyn er fin #5), but first we had to combine all the letters we found in caches #1 thru #4 into a local speciality, we didn't have a clue what it should be so I visited the golf-club nearby to ask for help. A lady there was able with some logic from my side to figure out the word we needed. She never ate it herself but heard of it. We went for the coordinates and found the stash, logged it at 16:30.
A little rest after hiding the cache-box again.
Statistics after this day 283 caches found.
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