First we passed by the little town Rødvig. Three caches are hidden here.
The first one (GCZTHE - Rødvig Fiskerihavn), hidden in the fish harbour.
There was a steep stair and we decided to let the dogs rest a little bit from the walk beside the bike and that I would try to find the cache below.
And I succeeded and discovered the cache hidden in a very special way. Logged at 12:20.
With lovely sunny weather always nice to be at the sea side.
The second near the station (GCZTHH - Rødvig Station), a very short ride towards into the village.
Again while the dog rest a little bit.
I go out to find the cache near the station.
And again success. Logged at 12:45.
Back to the rest of the team for some coffee.
After that we continued with a short trip to the next location (GCZTHG - Rødvig Strand) at the beach. Again a steep stair so we decided again for me to go out alone while all the boys stayed behind.
Logged at 13:10
Next we went for an area called Boesdal. It is an old lime quarry that is no longer active and open to public.
In this area a challenging multi is hidden and a couple of traditionals as well.
We parked our bikes near the bake ovens where a cache is hidden but somebody was mowing the lawn so the cache had to wait.
The next in line was the cache (GCHCX0 - The Pyramid).
It was hidden on the shore, we had to climb a little to reach it, and there is only one of us that is able to climb at heights and he had rested enough at the previous caches.
Logged at 14:50
In between we were looking for the way-points of the multi cache of course, walking around in the quarry.
For one of the way-points we needed to find something on the beach. For the dogs always fun.
At this moment we figured out the locations of the stash of the multi but we guessed that this location was at the top of the cliffs. This was a wrong guess, when we arrived at the top, we say that we were still a couple of meters away from the location. We needed to go down, but that wasn't possible at that location so we had to go back all the way. We were all tired and we decided that I would go back to the beach in the early evening without the dogs to try to find the stash.
On the way back to our bikes we stumbled across the cache (GCX72G - Boesdal Kalkbrud) that we logged at 16:30
And back at the bikes the lawn mower was gone and we found the cache (GCX72F - Boesdal Kalkovne)
Logged at 16:45
So as told above after dinner it was a bicycle ride back to the cache location (GCWK88 - Boesdal) to try and reach it from the beach.
It was an 800 meters walk along the stone beach not to easy to walk on.
Arriving at the spot, here the cliffs that we stood on this afternoon when we discovered that the cache-box was downs below.
Hidden under a pile of big rocks, the cache-box
Logged at 19:30
That was a reward well deserved, and now back to the motor home to rest a bit.
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