We decided to go for one of the best rated caches in the Netherlands (GCQYCY - Bedevaartcache 1 - Anton der Schijn). It is a cache if you succeed in the total quest you are allowed to enter junior membership of a group called "Orde der Schijnheiligen". After becoming a member you can go for the second pilgrimage cache, which code only unlocks for members of the group.
But today the first pilgrimage cache was on the agenda.

The coordinates of the first Way Point had to be puzzled out at home, this wasn't to difficult so we went on the road.
While on our way to the parking spot at WP2, we passed by a shepherd that was herding sheep with two border collies. Toby and I trained with sheep when he was a youngster, so we always enjoy watching the pros.

You get a little paranoid once in a while so we knew there was an assignment where we had to count poles, while walking in the area I made several pictures of all kinds of poles.

None of them seemed to be of interest for the assignment.

At way point 3 the pilgrimage really started.

We found a box (not the cache) that contained several leaflets, of which we had to take one with us. On this leaflet the vows were present that we had to do before we could reach the final destination.

Walking from way point to way point we passed by very beautiful spots.

This was the spot where we passed by the shepherd earlier but who moved the herd to another spot.

We didn't understand what the last numbers meant that we found but with a little bit of logic and a little bit of luck we managed to discover the cache after all.

We logged it at 15:00 as our number 50. We found the code for asking for the membership so it was a fruitful day.
Inside the box were 2 TB's which we took with us and we left 2 coins in exchange.

Our total 50
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