Sunday, March 29, 2009

Inferno Virtual

While still being at the camping event we found the time to go for another multi-cache (GC11Q7P - Inferno virtual). This was a cache that brought us to the harbour of Almere.

At certain points the bears weren't invited so we had to walk a little extra to avoid these areas.

But we could find the stash at 13:30.

Inside we spotted a little dragon that we took with us to let it travel to some other dragons.

We earned the next banner:

We could walk to a nearby earth cache (GC1EXFY - (FPE2008) De Waterspiegel).

But the sign where we had to find some information was gone. But we could find the information on the Internet.

We drove by a cache (GC10Y78 - Apenstreken 3), that wasn't that hard to find. Despite a little monkey trick that I cannot talk about to not spoil the fun for others we were able to log this one at 14:30

Then we parked at a carpool spot (GC118CY - Carpool 't Oor) where a cache is hidden, we found this one at 14:45.

Inside we discovered TB Mario, that we took with us, at home he played a little on the Wii.

Then a little mystery-multi cache (GCMA1Y - Pfff, nog 210 te gaan...) where one of us had to climb a lot of stairs to find a graffiti marking that we needed to figure out the coordinates of the stash.

That we could uncover at 15:30 and log this one as our number 190.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Since we are camping in the neighbourhood for an (non geocaching)-event, we decided to go for a multi-cache from a cacher we know (GC195XM - Apiedi@k en de 40 kokers).
It brought us to the Museum Forest in which a lot of lumber-jacking was going on.

One of the way-points even brought us to this pile of branches that were almost on top of the mini-container.

This was the first part of the cache.

Then we went to another part of the forest and this was looking much better.

We logged it at 16:30, inside we had a little surprise left that explained the title of the cache.

And again the boys watching while I log the cache.

We earned the next banner:

While going for a night cache we were able to find the mystery cache that I solved and figured out at home (GC10M7H - Graancirkels).

We found it in the dark and logged this one as our number 184 at 20:25.

We found the previous cache during the night cache (GC14AY3 - (FPE2007) Sterren in de Polder - avondcache) that we decided to go for this evening.
It was a nice cache for which we had to follow a trail of reflectors and this trail lead us to the cache that we logged at 20:55, time to go back to the camper to enjoy some coffee.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today we were going to visit the breeder of our youngest dog. And why not combine this with a couple of caches on the way over?
The first one was a mystery cache that I figured out a while ago (GC19X9D The Alternative). The calculated coordinates brought us to a very nice spot with a nice view near the river Maas.

The calculated coordinates were correct and we were able to log the cache at 13:50.

The next one was a traditional (GC14D9M de hofvijver) where we found a nice spot to discover a container and we could log this one at 14:15 as our number 179.

The third on of the day again another solved mystery cache (GC1BQQP Rikki en Slingertje). We logged this one at 14:20.

Then a multi-cache (GCZ66Q Geboortebos) to exercise the dogs.
It was a nice walk, in the beginning in the neighbourhood of a high way.

But then the walk brought is to more peaceful surroundings.

We found the cache and logged it at 16:15.

While the boys were awaiting relaxed.

Inside we found a TB in the shape of a Caravan. As we like to camp ourselves we took it with us to let it travel some more.

And then on the way back from our friends picking up a mystery (GC1A5E7 Emoticon 2) that we tried to find before, with the wrong coordinates. Now with the correct coordinates we were able to log it at 19:15

This was our first Nano ever.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Prince Charming and a Wizard

This Saturday we went for a cache that has a lot of good reviews(GCQVPE De prins op het witte paard). With this cache we made a journey across the globe and visited a lot of countries. We were asked for information that we had to learn a long time ago at school, so we had to dive deep into our memory.
We even had to check a couple of the answers since we calculated a stash place in a non accessible place.
In the beginning of the forest it was allowed for the dogs to run freely and so they did.

The sun was shining and this made the walk extra nice.

At a certain point in this area there are highlanders walking around and the bears needed to walk on the leash.

They were enjoying the nice weather as well.

The area also contains some little lakes, and as you can see with sunny weather that gives beautiful pictures.

After we checked a couple of our answers we found a appropriate coordinate and we could unhide the stash. We logged it as our #175 at 16:45.

Not to far away a mystery cache was awaiting our visit (GCA287 the Wizard near Oss). For this again I solved a puzzle at home and now we could walk straight towards the stash box. We logged this one as #176 at 17:20

While we were enjoying this nice area we also visited an earthcache location (GC15B76 Herperduin), it was earlier this day but since we had to figure out some of the answers at home we logged this as our number #177.

This was the locations for the picture.

And as a bonus we visited a little lake. The dogs were allowed to run freely, but an amazon was present with her horse and we didn't want to have accidents there.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Purple roads

Today only time for a couple of short caches, one (GC1E056 Co&Co: Langs paarse wegen... ) is a mystery that doesn't give a coordinate to start with but I though I figured out where we could find this coordinate. We went to the expected spot and yes there we could find information to figure out the stash location.

The dogs enjoyed this walk, since there was some water present as well.

That is always pleasant for them. Unfortunately they weren't allowed to walk of the leash, so we took the long leashes so they could walk a little more than us.

Again a nice area that we didn't visit before.

Logged #173, 16:30

And then on the way home we passed by the cache (GC18762 Lancaster Crash Hamont), a mystery that I solved.
The hint was near a tree with five trunks. This tree could be spotted from a distance.

Logged #174, 17:15