It brought us to a narrow entrance, that we didn't spot yesterday and we had to perform some acrobatics to enter the path, today we just walked through the entrance, and that is much easier.
We walked alongside the official border between the Netherlands and Belgium.
And we passed by different border poles that are quit old.
The weather was nice; the sun was shining although a lot of rain was forecasted.
For this cache we had to measure all kinds of thing, as you can see on the next picture.
We could find the cache and logged it at 13:40, number 161
Next to Lommel again to look for the cache (GC1JG5N - old - timers), which was hidden in a small forest area.
We logged at 14:15, number 162.
And then we went for a middle length multi-cache (GCQZC2 - De Blekerheide), a walk of about 6 KM through a marsh area.
A small carriage was spotted with a dog in front of it as we first thought, but when it got closer we saw that it was actually lead by a little horse instead.
At one way-point we had to do some calculations, so we sat down to relax a little bit.
And then back on track to the cache location.
That we discovered and logged at 16:30, number 163
Inside was a funny tiny flower coin.

Then some time left for a traditional (GC151TF - De Kastanjeboom). Hidden in a very nice tree within a peaceful area.
With the sun still out there we logged at 17:15, number 164
And then the last of this weekend: (GC1J1AZ - Federmesser), a puzzle cache that I solved this morning and that we found in an archaeological area.
Logged at 17:40, number 165
Making our cache statistics after this weekend as follows:

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