We even had to check a couple of the answers since we calculated a stash place in a non accessible place.
In the beginning of the forest it was allowed for the dogs to run freely and so they did.
The sun was shining and this made the walk extra nice.
At a certain point in this area there are highlanders walking around and the bears needed to walk on the leash.
They were enjoying the nice weather as well.
The area also contains some little lakes, and as you can see with sunny weather that gives beautiful pictures.
After we checked a couple of our answers we found a appropriate coordinate and we could unhide the stash. We logged it as our #175 at 16:45.
Not to far away a mystery cache was awaiting our visit (GCA287 the Wizard near Oss). For this again I solved a puzzle at home and now we could walk straight towards the stash box. We logged this one as #176 at 17:20
While we were enjoying this nice area we also visited an earthcache location (GC15B76 Herperduin), it was earlier this day but since we had to figure out some of the answers at home we logged this as our number #177.
This was the locations for the picture.
And as a bonus we visited a little lake. The dogs were allowed to run freely, but an amazon was present with her horse and we didn't want to have accidents there.
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