It brought us to the Museum Forest in which a lot of lumber-jacking was going on.
One of the way-points even brought us to this pile of branches that were almost on top of the mini-container.
This was the first part of the cache.
Then we went to another part of the forest and this was looking much better.
We logged it at 16:30, inside we had a little surprise left that explained the title of the cache.
And again the boys watching while I log the cache.
We earned the next banner:

While going for a night cache we were able to find the mystery cache that I solved and figured out at home (GC10M7H - Graancirkels).
We found it in the dark and logged this one as our number 184 at 20:25.
We found the previous cache during the night cache (GC14AY3 - (FPE2007) Sterren in de Polder - avondcache) that we decided to go for this evening.
It was a nice cache for which we had to follow a trail of reflectors and this trail lead us to the cache that we logged at 20:55, time to go back to the camper to enjoy some coffee.
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