This first of the day is (GCVNXP - Braambosch Binnenpad) hidden in a forest. The dogs always love this of course.

This marks the spot.

And here the cache is uncovered, our #51 logged at 12:25.

The after cache we are all happy picture, ready for the next.

The next cache we did on this Sunday, named (GC1DCKG - POK - Riethoven), starts at a little chapel which can be found all around the South of the Netherlands.

We had to count the number of roof tiles to calculate the start of the walk, and as always this kind of questions makes us doubt whether half tiles count as one. But in this case we figured it out and we were right.

At the calculated coordinate we had to start with a short walk through forest, we had to use the next map to find some specific spots where information was to be found.
At this sign we had to find a number.

We were able to calculate the coordinates and at the spot we figured out we found the cache at 13:45, yet another one discovered. Making our total 52.

Inside the little cachebox a big coin was hidden. It hardly fitted the box and the coin and his cover were separated, we joined them again and took it with us.

Then we went for our main cache of today. It is called (GCD91A - Elk huisje heeft zijn...), we had to find crosses that is the main theme of the cache.

After walking about 8 KM in some nice woodland we were able to measure where the cache was to be found, and we almost had a perfect hit, logged at 16:25.

When we returned back home we found out that we received a mail with the message that we are admitted to the "Orde der Schijnheiligen" as a junior member. We are now allowed to use this banner on the net and we are invited for the second pilgrimage cache.

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