Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nekrav's Mysteries

In an area that we cached before a couple of caches of a cacher Nekrav, most of then are difficult mystery-caches but also the cache (GC1RDJC-Latijn Dilemma 50 v.chr.), we tried to find this one some while ago, but we didn't realize at that moment that it was a multi-cache. We tried to find the cache at the start-coordinates with the use of the hint and that wasn't successful of course. Today we walked the short route and were able to find the cache at 15:50.
Then we discovered another cache at a distance of less than 1 Km. But is was on the other side of a canal. There were constructions going on so we had to drive for almost 20 Km to arrive at the start location.

But nevertheless we wanted to find the cache (GC1KZKA-Dead Tree). When walking towards the stash location I ran into a bird of prey that was sitting on a pole drying its wings, because it just rained a little.

Next I had to jump across a not completely dried out riverbed aka a mud pool.

But finally found the container and logged at 16:40.

And the last one for today was the cache (GC1F15B-Gwynvyd), another mystery cache.
The entrance of the path was completely overgrown with thistles and other thorny plants, so the bears needed to stay outside because otherwise they get stuck with their long coats. But behind this overgrown area a very nice and a little bit spooky forest arose.

The container was closed with a lock, for which we didn't bring the code, but with a little patience I figure out the code and logged at 17:45.

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